Omar Chkhaidze Gallery

"The true face of Light is Darkness, while that of Darkness is Light".
Omar Chkhaidzeå

Omar Chkhaidze is an artist, a thinker, an author of a number of discoveries and inventions in art, philosophy and science, who introduced a new aesthetics in painting - the aesthetics of Light. Light has become the main subject in his art. Omar Chkhaidze is a founder of a new direction in fine arts: Light-objective painting.

Omar was born April 16, 1944 in the country of Georgia, in the mountains of ancient Colchis. He graduated from the art school in Tbilisi, and later, from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts. Since 1994 he lives and works in Moscow, Russia. In 2000 he opened his gallery in the Central Artist's House.

Omar Chkhaidze is a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of  Arts, a Member of the Artists' Union of Russia,  a Member of the Artists' Union of Georgia, a Member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, a Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, a member of the International Art Association of UNESCO.

In 2016 the Russian Academy of Arts held a presentaion of the project Light-objective painting and also of the book My way by Omar Chkhaidze. The artist was awarded the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts for the creation of a new artistic trend. At this event he was assigned the honorary degree and was also awarded the medal "The Knight of Science and Arts" by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The European Academy of Natural Sciences awarded Omar Chkhaidze the Leonardo da Vinci medal.

Omar Chkhaidze's scope of  activities is not only confined to painting. He expands the sphere of the planet concept up to the infinity of the Universe. He believes, the Universe has been created from a single substance, which Xenophanes  in the VI century BC called the spherical being. This all-embracing spiritual sphere has two aspects: Light and Darkness. Omar Chkhaidze suggests referring to them as luxosphere (lat. lux - light), and tenebraesphere  (lat. tenebrae - darkness). He believes, the unity and harmony of Light and Darkness of the Universe is the top stage of biosphere and noosphere evolution, and the end-point of such evolution will be their fusion with luxosphere and tenebraesphere.

In Omar Chkhaidze's opinion, the true nature of the Universe lies in unity and harmony of luxosphere and tenebraesphere, like in Yang and Yin (light and darkness), in jiva and adjiva (soul and matter). The sphere of the universal Light and Darkness has no beginning, no end. The true face of Light is Darkness, while that of Darkness is Light. And the indivisibility and harmony of Light and Darkness are created by the world Ether - their gravitation and levitation matter, which generates an electromagnetic field, keeping the Universe in its harmony, and life in its eternity.

In 2017 the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded Omar Chkhaidze the Peter Kapitza gold medal for this discovery. In 2018 the European Academy of Natural Sciences awarded him the Wilhelm Leibniz medal.

The central figure of the majority of Omar Chkhaidze's projects is the Column of Light. The concept of the Column was given to him in the 1960s, while the realization of the idea began in the 2000s, first in his paintings, later, in 2016, in the Center of Light project. This architectural ensemble consists of a cylindrical column, similar to the Column of Light, and square columns around it, representing and uniting East, West, North, and South. The accurate design of its structure contains the code of the Universe. The ensemble creates the attraction of the Universe Light and Darkness energy, generating a strong protection field, which unites all the nations of our planet. In 2017 this project obtained a Russian Federation state patent.

Following the way of the innovators who gave the world such devices  as microscope (Hans  Jansen, 1590), telescope (Galileo Galilei, 1609), nooscope (Anton Vaino, 2011), in collaboration with the scientists, Omar Chkhaidze is going to develop a luxoscope - a device determining the Universe Light and Darkness harmony in a human body.

He believes, the cause of all human diseases is a disharmony of the Light and Darkness bio-energy balance outside and inside a human body. He offers two healing devices: Luxosphere and Omar Cabin. The Cabin, which is equivalent of the Column of Light, would create a bio-resonance between a man and the device and harmonize the Light and Darkness energy in all human organs and systems: osseous, muscle, and nervous (imagination, inspiration, intuition).

Omar Chkhaidze  assumes, the gravitation and levitation substance of Light and Darkness of the Universe - Ether - creates in the Cabin an electromagnetic, wave, vibrational field. It fills the space of the Cabin and attracts the ether-dynamic flow of the Light and Darkness energy. Its electromagnetic radiation restores the bio-energy balance and heals a human organism. A trial model of Omar Cabin was built in 2019.

The healing device Luxosphere works in the same way as Omar Cabin. They only differ in form.

In his art Omar Chkhaidze seeks to combine different spheres of activities, which Leonardo da Vinci, Wolfgang Goethe,  Hans-Georg Gadamer and others tried to achieve. He believes, only with Love, in the integrity of art, philosophy and science, mankind is able to fulfill its mission on our planet. Love is a key to everything. In the same way as harmony of gravitation and levitation, of Light and Darkness!


Discoveries and inventions

1. The Light-objective painting - art.
2. The Center of Lght - science, medicine, esoterics. 
3. Luxosphere - esoterics, philosophy.
4. Tenebraesphere - esoterics, philosophy.
5. Luxoscope (measuring device) - science, medicine.
6. Luxosphere cabin (healing device) - science, medicine. 
7. Column of Light cabin (healing device) - science, medicine.



- the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts;
- the Honorary degree and medal "The Knight of Science and Arts" of the Russian  Academy of Natural Sciences;
- the Leonardo da Vinci medal of the European Academy of Natural Sciences;
- the gold medal of the Russian Artists' Union and the Moscow Artists' Union; 
- the Vasily Kandinsky medal of the European Academy of Natural Sciences;
- the Peter Kapitza gold medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
- the Wilhelm Leibniz medal of the European Academy of Natural Sciences.


Art shows

2024   Tbilisi, Georgia, MOMA, Tbilisi museum of modern art (one-man-show)
2018   Moscow, Russia, the Russian Academy of fine arts (one-man show)
2016   Moscow, Russia, the Russian Academy of fine arts (one-man show)
2015   Tbilisi, Georgia, MOMA, Tbilisi museum of modern art (one-man show)
2014 - 2013   Moscow, Russia, MMOMA, Moscow museum of modern art (one-man show)
2012   Tbilisi, Georgia, Karvasla, The Historical musem of Georgia (one-man sow)
2011   Moscow, Russia, the Central artist house
2010   Moscow, Russia, ARTMANEGE Moscow art fair
2010   Ulyanovsk, Russia, the Modern fine arts museum
2010 - 2008   Moscow, Russia, the Central artist house (one-man show)
2007   New York, Manhattan, USA, Icosahedron gallerie (one-man show)
2007   Vienna, Austria, Museumsquartier (one-man show)
2006 - 1998   Moscow, Russia, ARTMANEGE Moscow art fair
2005 - 2000   Moscow, Russia, ART SALON of the Central artist house
2001 - 1997   Uden, the Netherlands, Horizont gallery (one-man show)
1998   Moscow, Russia, the Central artist house
1996   Moscow, Russia, the Central artist house
1994   Tbilisi, Georgia, the Modern art gallery (one-man show)
1991   Tbilisi, Georgia, the White gallery
1986   Tbilisi, Georgia, the State gallery of Georgia
1975 - 1969   Tbilisi, Georgia, the State gallery of Georgia, the youth show
1969   Tbilisi, Georgia, the State fine arts museum of Georgia
1966   Tbilisi, Georgia, the State gallery of Georgia, the youth show; 
1964   Tbilisi, Georgia, the State gallery of Georgia.