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Omar Chkhaidze is a well-known artist, member of several academies, the author of some inventions in different fields – art, philosophy, science. He is decorated with the Gold medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Gold medal of the Russian Artists Union, the Leonardo da Vinci medal, and the Vasili Kandinski medal of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, the Peter Kapitza Gold medal, and also, the “Knight of Science and Arts” title of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Omar Chkhaidze was born in 1944 in Georgia, in the mountains of ancient Colchis. This place possesses a powerful informational-energetic field. Omar was 13 when he left his native village and went to Tbilisi, where he entered an art school. After graduating from it in 1966, he proceeded as a student at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, the faculty of painting.
Being an innovator from the very beginning of his road in art, Omar Chkhaidze moved ahead of his time. The complete freedom of self-expression, non-limited by any taboos and censorships, was so specific of him. He worked in different styles, techniques and directions, and graduated from both the school and the academy with honors. His school diploma work was based on A. Camus’ “L’Etranger” , and at the Academy - on the novel by M. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita” , at that time banned in the USSR.
Omar Chkhaidze is an artist who creates his own symbols and signs in his paintings. With the help of them he reveals what is born deep in his soul, changing subtle spiritual energy into an art form, by various figurative means.
He is not only an artist, he is entire Universe. His artwork presents an esoteric form of the world comprehension, the center of which is spiritual Light. This is clearly pronounced in the master’s new works. They are full of sacral meaning, and carry the ideas of revival and enlightenment.
Omar Chkhaidze’s recent works of the 2000s show that the directions of neoplasticism and suprematism initiated in the 1910-1920s by Mondrian and Malevich, as well as pangeometric traditions, lasted for centuries, are finished. In 2013 having painted “Out into Light” he broke away from the notorious “black square” epitomizing darkness, into Light – the substance of the Universe. The artist is positive that the third millennium is the beginning of a new age – the age of Light.
Omar, in an article about your artwork I read that you had made a quantum leap in figurative art. Indeed, recently we have become witnesses of some of your discoveries, both in art and in science, and philosophy: luxosphere, Light-figurative painting, the Center of Light architectural ensemble, etc. The sphere of your interests and occupations is boundless. No doubt, you have seriously studied art, philosophy and science. Most likely, this knowledge helps you obtain the information leading to such discoveries, does it?
No. Knowledge only confirms the obtained information.
Then how do you obtain the information you need?
As a result of initiation – coming out into Light, in other words, transition into another dimension. Such state frequents me since my childhood. Soul comes out of body, goes through the vibrating spiritual field, and dissolves in the eternal sparkling reality – substance.
You are a painter, the founder of a new direction in figurative art – Light-figurative painting. In 2016 the Russian Academy of Arts held the presentation of this direction and awarded you a Gold medal. Could you “decipher” this term?
The term itself seems to declare that Light is the object of my art. Since the early 1960s, Light has gradually taken the place of the object. In recent years I completely walked away from the object-figurative painting, and began to paint only Light, only the vibration of spiritual Light.
It is interesting to know how you painted such works as Introversion, Eternity, Lao Tzu, Steiner, Universe, Transformation of Light, Substance, Out into Light, Luxosphere, and others?
The works mentioned by you, as many others, were painted not only by me. My participation came down to the role of a channel. The concept of the works and their names came later, some time after finishing them. There are some paintings which until now did not find their comprehension yet. One of them is Universe, painted in 1986. This work is still a mystery to me. In 1995, at an art show in Moscow at the Central Art House, a lady who presented herself as a professor at a university, addressed me asking what kind of calculations I did while working at Universe. She said that not knowing higher mathematics it’s hardly possible to paint this.
Omar, I’ve known you for a long time and I cannot help wondering at the energy you radiate. I know you have lived more than forty years only on vegetable food, gave up bad habits, maintained good physical shape. Was it hard to come to this way of life?
Of course not. You only have to listen to your body, as it is your body that commands your way of life. You can even go over to energy supply when your body takes all necessary things for life-support from the ether. Trouble is that man does not listen to his body, and cannot take what is given to him, value and love what he has.
Coming back to your art, I’d like you to give more details on the Center of Light, - the architectural project which in 2017 was given a RF state patent.
The idea of the Center came to me in my early youth. I even wanted to build a simplified version of it in the village where I was born. But it did not happen… The implementation of this idea was fulfilled in the 2000s. At first, in 2010, I created paintings which, as it turned out later, contained the proportions of this ensemble. In several years I came to understanding how it had be done. As you already know, this architectural ensemble consists of a circular column conducting the energy of spiritual Light, and rectangular columns denoting East, West, North and South. Its precisely verified structure contains in itself the code of the Universe. Light’s gravity substance – ether – creates quantum vibration field and fills out the space of the Center of Light by the energy generating a powerful protection field, harmonizing and healing the soul and the body. This project’s implementation is expected in due time.
And how exactly does the healing process proceed?
The cause of all man’s deceases is the misbalance of spiritual Light’s harmony in its nervous, muscle and osseous systems. To recover this harmony we need to build the Center of Light. Man’s capabilities are endless. All depends on his imagination, faith in his healing, and his willpower. As far as the healing process itself is concerned, there are certain rules. Any person, deceased or healthy, comes into the Center of Light from the side where he belongs: an oriental – from the east, through the yellow column, a southerner – through the southern green column, etc., then he enters the cylinder column, where he stays in the white circle for some time, and comes out well-balanced and cured by Light.
I wonder, what are the dimensions of these columns?
The height of the cylinder column is 30 meters, rectangular ones – 15 each. I am not an architect. All dimensions of the architectural ensemble, as well as its plan, were obtained in the process of initiation.
Does this center have other functions except the healing one?
Yes, it does. For instance, during a wedding ritual, for a couple purification and harmonization, a man enters the center from the West, through the red column, a woman – from the East, through the yellow one. They meet in the middle of the cylindrical column in the white circle, embrace, and in a quite short time, go southwards, filled with Light and feeling well-balanced.
Omar, in 2017, for your discovery of luxosphere, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded you the Gold medal of Peter Kapitza, an outstanding physicist, a Nobel Prize winner. Last year our magazine wrote about luxosphere. What else could you add?
In 1875, Eduard Suess firstly introduced the scientific term biosphere – the sphere of life, Dmitri Anuchin in 1902 suggested the term anthroposphere – the sphere of human being, and Edouard Le Roy in 1927 told the world about noosphere – the sphere of mentality. Luxosphere – the sphere of Light, is the top evolution stage of biosphere and noosphere. This is the infinity and the eternity of the Universe. I believe that the sphere of spiritual Light has no beginning and no end. Light is in everything and everything is in Light.
I hear you intend to build a new instrument. What is it like and how does it work?
Following the inventors who gave the world such devices as microscope (1590, Hans Jansen), telescope (1609, Galileo Galilei), nooscope (2011, Anton Vaino), in cooperation with the scientists, I intend to build luxoscope – a device for measuring the field of spiritual Light around and within a human being, in his nervous, muscle and osseous systems (intuition, inspiration, imagination) . In parallel, I suggest to build a healing installation, similar in shape to luxosphere, which will harmonize spiritual Light in human body.
Your artwork clearly shows the synthesis of art, philosophy and science. How will you comment this?
If it is so, I am very glad. Leonardo da Vinci was trying to combine art with science, and Hans-Georg Gadamer wanted to reconcile philosophy and science. There is time for everything. Only with Love, in unity of science, philosophy and art, mankind can fulfill its mission on our planet. Love is the key to everything. Like gravity!
P.S. In our conversation Omar told me that, being a boy of thirteen, at a physics lesson at school, he declared he knew how to build a perpetuum mobile. At that time people laughed at him. Today he is ready to share the information he was given 60 years ago.
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From Biosphere to Luxosphere
Interview with Omar Chkhaidze by Eugeni Larin, the Chief Editor of “the Royals Magazine”. 2018.
“Luxosphere, the sphere of Light, is the highest stage of biosphere and
noosphere evolution”
Omar Chkhaidze
noosphere evolution”
Omar Chkhaidze
Omar Chkhaidze is a well-known artist, member of several academies, the author of some inventions in different fields – art, philosophy, science. He is decorated with the Gold medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Gold medal of the Russian Artists Union, the Leonardo da Vinci medal, and the Vasili Kandinski medal of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, the Peter Kapitza Gold medal, and also, the “Knight of Science and Arts” title of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Omar Chkhaidze was born in 1944 in Georgia, in the mountains of ancient Colchis. This place possesses a powerful informational-energetic field. Omar was 13 when he left his native village and went to Tbilisi, where he entered an art school. After graduating from it in 1966, he proceeded as a student at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, the faculty of painting.
Being an innovator from the very beginning of his road in art, Omar Chkhaidze moved ahead of his time. The complete freedom of self-expression, non-limited by any taboos and censorships, was so specific of him. He worked in different styles, techniques and directions, and graduated from both the school and the academy with honors. His school diploma work was based on A. Camus’ “L’Etranger” , and at the Academy - on the novel by M. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita” , at that time banned in the USSR.
Omar Chkhaidze is an artist who creates his own symbols and signs in his paintings. With the help of them he reveals what is born deep in his soul, changing subtle spiritual energy into an art form, by various figurative means.
He is not only an artist, he is entire Universe. His artwork presents an esoteric form of the world comprehension, the center of which is spiritual Light. This is clearly pronounced in the master’s new works. They are full of sacral meaning, and carry the ideas of revival and enlightenment.
Omar Chkhaidze’s recent works of the 2000s show that the directions of neoplasticism and suprematism initiated in the 1910-1920s by Mondrian and Malevich, as well as pangeometric traditions, lasted for centuries, are finished. In 2013 having painted “Out into Light” he broke away from the notorious “black square” epitomizing darkness, into Light – the substance of the Universe. The artist is positive that the third millennium is the beginning of a new age – the age of Light.
Omar, in an article about your artwork I read that you had made a quantum leap in figurative art. Indeed, recently we have become witnesses of some of your discoveries, both in art and in science, and philosophy: luxosphere, Light-figurative painting, the Center of Light architectural ensemble, etc. The sphere of your interests and occupations is boundless. No doubt, you have seriously studied art, philosophy and science. Most likely, this knowledge helps you obtain the information leading to such discoveries, does it?
No. Knowledge only confirms the obtained information.
Then how do you obtain the information you need?
As a result of initiation – coming out into Light, in other words, transition into another dimension. Such state frequents me since my childhood. Soul comes out of body, goes through the vibrating spiritual field, and dissolves in the eternal sparkling reality – substance.
You are a painter, the founder of a new direction in figurative art – Light-figurative painting. In 2016 the Russian Academy of Arts held the presentation of this direction and awarded you a Gold medal. Could you “decipher” this term?
The term itself seems to declare that Light is the object of my art. Since the early 1960s, Light has gradually taken the place of the object. In recent years I completely walked away from the object-figurative painting, and began to paint only Light, only the vibration of spiritual Light.
It is interesting to know how you painted such works as Introversion, Eternity, Lao Tzu, Steiner, Universe, Transformation of Light, Substance, Out into Light, Luxosphere, and others?
The works mentioned by you, as many others, were painted not only by me. My participation came down to the role of a channel. The concept of the works and their names came later, some time after finishing them. There are some paintings which until now did not find their comprehension yet. One of them is Universe, painted in 1986. This work is still a mystery to me. In 1995, at an art show in Moscow at the Central Art House, a lady who presented herself as a professor at a university, addressed me asking what kind of calculations I did while working at Universe. She said that not knowing higher mathematics it’s hardly possible to paint this.
Omar, I’ve known you for a long time and I cannot help wondering at the energy you radiate. I know you have lived more than forty years only on vegetable food, gave up bad habits, maintained good physical shape. Was it hard to come to this way of life?
Of course not. You only have to listen to your body, as it is your body that commands your way of life. You can even go over to energy supply when your body takes all necessary things for life-support from the ether. Trouble is that man does not listen to his body, and cannot take what is given to him, value and love what he has.
Coming back to your art, I’d like you to give more details on the Center of Light, - the architectural project which in 2017 was given a RF state patent.
The idea of the Center came to me in my early youth. I even wanted to build a simplified version of it in the village where I was born. But it did not happen… The implementation of this idea was fulfilled in the 2000s. At first, in 2010, I created paintings which, as it turned out later, contained the proportions of this ensemble. In several years I came to understanding how it had be done. As you already know, this architectural ensemble consists of a circular column conducting the energy of spiritual Light, and rectangular columns denoting East, West, North and South. Its precisely verified structure contains in itself the code of the Universe. Light’s gravity substance – ether – creates quantum vibration field and fills out the space of the Center of Light by the energy generating a powerful protection field, harmonizing and healing the soul and the body. This project’s implementation is expected in due time.
And how exactly does the healing process proceed?
The cause of all man’s deceases is the misbalance of spiritual Light’s harmony in its nervous, muscle and osseous systems. To recover this harmony we need to build the Center of Light. Man’s capabilities are endless. All depends on his imagination, faith in his healing, and his willpower. As far as the healing process itself is concerned, there are certain rules. Any person, deceased or healthy, comes into the Center of Light from the side where he belongs: an oriental – from the east, through the yellow column, a southerner – through the southern green column, etc., then he enters the cylinder column, where he stays in the white circle for some time, and comes out well-balanced and cured by Light.
I wonder, what are the dimensions of these columns?
The height of the cylinder column is 30 meters, rectangular ones – 15 each. I am not an architect. All dimensions of the architectural ensemble, as well as its plan, were obtained in the process of initiation.
Does this center have other functions except the healing one?
Yes, it does. For instance, during a wedding ritual, for a couple purification and harmonization, a man enters the center from the West, through the red column, a woman – from the East, through the yellow one. They meet in the middle of the cylindrical column in the white circle, embrace, and in a quite short time, go southwards, filled with Light and feeling well-balanced.
Omar, in 2017, for your discovery of luxosphere, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded you the Gold medal of Peter Kapitza, an outstanding physicist, a Nobel Prize winner. Last year our magazine wrote about luxosphere. What else could you add?
In 1875, Eduard Suess firstly introduced the scientific term biosphere – the sphere of life, Dmitri Anuchin in 1902 suggested the term anthroposphere – the sphere of human being, and Edouard Le Roy in 1927 told the world about noosphere – the sphere of mentality. Luxosphere – the sphere of Light, is the top evolution stage of biosphere and noosphere. This is the infinity and the eternity of the Universe. I believe that the sphere of spiritual Light has no beginning and no end. Light is in everything and everything is in Light.
I hear you intend to build a new instrument. What is it like and how does it work?
Following the inventors who gave the world such devices as microscope (1590, Hans Jansen), telescope (1609, Galileo Galilei), nooscope (2011, Anton Vaino), in cooperation with the scientists, I intend to build luxoscope – a device for measuring the field of spiritual Light around and within a human being, in his nervous, muscle and osseous systems (intuition, inspiration, imagination) . In parallel, I suggest to build a healing installation, similar in shape to luxosphere, which will harmonize spiritual Light in human body.
Your artwork clearly shows the synthesis of art, philosophy and science. How will you comment this?
If it is so, I am very glad. Leonardo da Vinci was trying to combine art with science, and Hans-Georg Gadamer wanted to reconcile philosophy and science. There is time for everything. Only with Love, in unity of science, philosophy and art, mankind can fulfill its mission on our planet. Love is the key to everything. Like gravity!
P.S. In our conversation Omar told me that, being a boy of thirteen, at a physics lesson at school, he declared he knew how to build a perpetuum mobile. At that time people laughed at him. Today he is ready to share the information he was given 60 years ago.
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